Dengue Fever

Dengue is attacking their weak blood system only. In a house, usually only one season of dengue fever and in a neighborhood, only one house is involved. Although actually in a home other family members were also bitten by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The same thing also occurred among neighborhood residents. In more simple, not everyone who is bitten by the Aedes aegypti mosquito will get dengue fever.

A mosquito that carries the dengue virus can fly as far as 2 kilometers to bite the victim. If you want to clean the home environment, you must do so for at least an area of a radius of 2 kilometers. This is something that doesn't make sense. Aedes aegypti mosquito can lay eggs on leaves or a stump that can hold water in the bushes or shrubs or in puddles of water in the forest.

Perhaps with the areas around the house, you are able to reduce the risk of a few percent Aedes aegypti mosquito breeding. Therefore, a study should be done to prevent your body from easily infected Aedes aegypti mosquito.

Everyone has the potential to be a carrier of the dengue virus even if there is any symptom of dengue fever and even looks healthier. The carrier can be a fever if poor blood system, causing the virus to multiply uncontrollably and weakens the entire immune system.

Aedes aegypti mosquito is naturally clean of dengue virus. Conditions and structures on the trunk and the head of the Aedes aegypti mosquito has provided a habitat suitable for the breeding of the dengue virus. Dengue is spread when a person is bitten by the Aedes aegypti mosquito that previously has bitten a patient of dengue fever or dengue virus carriers.

Whenever a person is bitten by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the dengue virus has begun to be inside the body. The virus can be destroyed by the body's natural defense system, multiply depending on the force of blood.

Poor blood will cause dengue virus can not be resisted. Poor blood structure will build a habitat to encourage the population to dengue virus. As a result of dengue virus will continue to multiply and the rest of the body affected by this virus is acting consuming muscle cells in blood vessel walls.

Those who have symptoms related to poor blood following are particularly susceptible to dengue virus;
  • Excess / deficiency of hemoglobin / anemia.
  • High blood pressure / low / normal.
  • Abnormal blood concentration. (Hipercalsemia / Hipocalsemia).
  • Jammed blood / soil / neck.
  • Bruising / bleeding / purpura (ecchymosis).
  • Calf veins to swell.
  • Leukemia (blood cancer).
  • Internal bleeding / bleeding condition.
  • Bleeding / G6PD deficiency.
  • Hemophilia (blood clots).

Signs of dengue fever

Among the first signs of obvious when a person gets the dengue fever are:
  • Headache.
  • Fever.
  • Throat bitter.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Possible effects of mosquito bites look at several areas of the body.

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