Nursing Care Plan for CHF
Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a syndrome that occurs when the heart can not pump enough blood to meet the metabolic needs and oxygenation of the heart. (Carpenito, 1999)

Patients with heart failure who are not compensated will feel tired and weak when doing physical activity because the muscles do not get a sufficient amount of blood. Swelling also cause a variety of symptoms. Besides influenced by gravity, the location and the effect of swelling is also influenced by the side of the heart is impaired.

Right heart failure tends to result in blood clots that flows into the right heart. This causes swelling in the feet, ankles, legs, liver and stomach.

Left heart failure causes fluid clots in the lungs (pulmonary edema), which causes severe shortness of breath. At first blown only occur during the activity; but in line with the worsening of the disease, shortness of breath may occur when the patient is not doing the activity.

The possibility of many patients and families of patients with CHF who did not know about the definitions, causes, signs, symptoms, pathophysiology, complications, medical and nursing management of CHF.

Knowledge Deficit related to lack of knowledge about the disease, the action taken, the drugs are administered, complications may arise and changes in lifestyle.

Definition :
The absence or lack of cognitive information with respect to the specific topic.

Defining characteristics: verbalization of the problem, inaccuracies follow instructions, the behavior is not appropriate.

Related factors: cognitive limitations, interpretation of misinformation, lack of desire to search for information, do not know the sources of information.

Expected results :
Understanding of the disease, condition, prognosis and treatment programs.
Able to carry out the procedures described correctly.
Able to explain again what is described nurse / other health team.

Plan of action:

Teaching: disease process
Give an assessment of the patient's level of knowledge about specific disease processes.
Describe the pathophysiology of the disease and how it relates to anatomy and physiology, in an appropriate manner.
Draw the usual signs and symptoms of the disease appear, in an appropriate manner.
Describe the process of the disease, in an appropriate manner.
Identification of possible causes, in an appropriate manner.
Provide information about the condition, in an appropriate manner.
Avoid hopeless.
Provide information about the progress of the patient in a proper way.
Discuss lifestyle changes that may be needed to prevent complications in the future and or process of controlling the disease.
Discuss treatment options.
Encourage the patient to explore or get a second opinion in a way that is appropriate or indicated.
Exploration of possible sources or support, in an appropriate manner.
Refer to the group or agency in the local community, in an appropriate manner.
Instruct the signs and symptoms to report to the health care provider, in an appropriate manner.

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