Types of Ancient Humans in the world, grouped into:

1. Ancient Humans in Indonesia:

Pithecanthropus Mojokertensis

Meganthropus Paleojavanicus

Homo Soloensis

Homo Sapiens

2. Ancient Humans in mainland ASIA

Pithecanthropus Pekinensis / Homo Beijinensis

Pithecanthropus Lantianensis

3. Ancient Humans in mainland Africa

Australopithecus Africanus

Australopithecus Robustus / Paranthropus Robustus

Australopithecus Boisei / Paranthropus Boisei

Homo Habilis

4. Ancient Humans Fossils in Europe

Homo Neanderthalensis

Homo Hidelbergonsis

Homo Cro Magnon

Types of Ancient Humans

1. Ancient Humans in Indonesia

a. Pithecanthropus Erectus

Ancient human name is derived from three words, namely pithecos which means monkey, anthropus meaning humans and erectus which means upright. So Pithecanthropus Erectus means "man ape walking upright". Name designation was based on fossils found. This invention, in the form of femur larger than arm bone. Likewise, brain volume is greater than the apes, but smaller than in humans.

This fossil was found by an archaeologist from the Netherlands named Eugene Dudois. This ancient human fossils found in the village Trinil, Ngawi, East Java in 1891. Similar fossils were also found in Jetis Mojokerto in Brantas River valley in 1936. Since the discovery of fossils of children, by Weidenreich called Pithecanthropus robustus. Von Koenigswald named Pithecanthropus mojokertensis, as found in Mojokerto.

b. Meganthropus Palaeojavanicus

Meganthropus Palaeojavanicus derived from the word "mega"
which means great, anthropus meaning humans, palaeo which means the oldest, and javanicus which means Java. Meganthropus Palaeojavanicus means "big man oldest of Java". This meaning is taken based on the results of studies showing that the bone of the upper jaw and the lower jaw is much stronger than in Pithecanthropus Erectus. The fossils found by Von Koenigswald in Sangiran, Surakarta in 1941. Now in that place built Sangiran Archaeological Museum. Von Koenigswald consider these fossils older than the Pithecanthropus Erectus.

c. Homo

Homo means "man". This fossil called homo because, according to the investigation conducted by Von Koenigswald, this man higher level than in Pithecanthropus Erectus. Even humans homo comparable to ordinary people. There are two types of homo fossils, Homo Soloensis, and Homo Wajakensis.

Homo Soloensis means "man of the solo". Fossils found by Ter Haar and Oppenorth in the area Ngandong Solo River valley. While Homo Wajakensis means "man of Wajak" because it was found in the village Wajak, near Tulungagung, East Java. This fossil was discovered by Eugene Dubois in 1889. This early human type level with Homo Soloensis. This fossil is estimated similar to the original inhabitants of Australia.

Based on its development, other known species homo, Homo Sapiens. Homo Sapiens means "intelligent man". Thus, the human species is much more perfect than the previous man. This type is said to be the ancestors of Indonesia who came from Yunnan.

According to Von Koenigswald, the fossils were found in different layers. Meganthropus Palaeojavanicus fosils found at the bottom dilluvium layer (Jetis layer). Pithecanthropus erectus fossils found in the middle dilluvium layer (Trinil layer). The Homo fossils found in a layer above dilluvium (Ngandong layer). Based on the information it can be concluded that the Meganthropus older than Pithecanthropus Erectus. However, Pithecanthropus Erectus older than the Homo.

2. Ancient Human in China

Ancient human found in China called Homo pekinensis, which means "man of Peking" (now Beijing). Homo pekinensis found in the Choukoutien Cave about 40 kilometers from Peking. This fossil was discovered by a Bachelor of Canada named Davidson Black. Based on the investigation, the framework of this ancient human species resembles Pithecanthropus Erectus skeletons. Therefore, the experts call it by the name Pithecanthropus pekinensis or Sinanthropus pekinensis which means "ape man from Peking".

3. Ancient Human in Africa

Ancient human found in Africa called Homo Africanus which means "man of Africa". Fossil was discovered by Raymond Dart. This fossil was found near a mining Taung Bostwana, 1924. After reconstructed turns form the skeleton of a child aged 5 to 6 years. This fossil named Australopithecus Africanus, because it is almost similar to the original inhabitants of Australia. Furthermore, Robert Broom discovered a similar fossil in the form of an adult skull in the same place.

4. Ancient Human in Europe

Ancient human found in Europe called Homo Neanderthalensis. The name means "Neanderthal Man". The human species discovered by Rudolf Virchow in the Neander valley, Dusseldorf, West Germany in 1856. In addition to Germany, also found in the Cave of Spy in Belgium. In France discovered ancient human called Homo Cro Magnon.

Source : http://manusiapurba-2.blogspot.co.id/

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