Fossil Discoveries

Most fossils are found in sedimentary rocks (sediments) surface open. Rock that contains many fossils called fossiliferous. Types of fossils contained in the rocks depending on the type of environment scientifically sediments deposited. Marine sediments, from the shoreline and shallow seas, usually contains the most fossils.


Living Fossil

The term "living fossil" is a term used a living species that resembles a species known only from fossils. Some living fossils include the coelacanth fish and ginkgo trees. Living fossils can also refer to a living species that do not have other close species or a small group of close species that do not have other close species. Examples of this last criterion is the nautilus.


Fossilization is a process of accumulation of remains of animals or plants that accumulate in sediments, both of which suffered preservation as a whole, in part or tracks only. There are several requirements the fossilization, namely:
  • Organisms have a hard body parts.
  • Experiencing preservation.
  • Free from spoilage bacteria.
  • Occurs naturally.
  • Contain levels of oxygen in small amounts.
  • Age more than 10,000 years ago.

The Formation of Fossils

Fossils formed from the destruction process relics once-living organisms. This often happens when a plant or animal buried in the oxygen-free environment. The existing fossil rarely preserved in their original form. In some cases, the mineral content changed chemically or remnants dissolved all that is replaced with mold.

The Utilization of Fossils

Fossil is important to understand the history of the sedimentary rocks of the earth. Subdivision of geologic time and compatibility with rock layers depending on the fossil. Organisms change with the passage of time and it was used to mark a period of time. For example, the rock containing the fossil graptolites should be dated from the Paleozoic era. Geographical distribution of fossils allow geologists to match the composition of rocks from other parts of the world.

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