Ancient Man - Sangiran Museum - The Homeland of Javaman

Rows collection of fossil human skulls were neatly trimmed with aged hundreds of years, causing terrible impression at the same admiration for anyone who saw it. Sangiran Museum of Ancient Man, ready to invite your adventure to enjoy the pre-history of the past.

A pair of giant ivory towered up, ready to greet us at the gate entrance Sangiran Museum of Ancient Man. Museum of Ancient Man. Sangiran is a museum that has a collection of hominid fossils are complete, both in Asia and the world.

Museum which has a motto of the homeland of Javaman, giving the dish a very complete information about early human life, from the habitats where they live, the pattern of life in those days, the animals that live in ancient times, to the equipment used during hunting and gathering. The museum also describes the landscape of the Late Pliocene to late middle Pliestosen or approximately 2 million years ago.

Ancient Man Sangiran Museum itself is located in the Sangiran Dome region. Sangiran Dome region itself is located in the Depression Solo, has an area of ​​approximately 56 square kilometers at the foot of Mount Lawu, around the valley of the Solo River. Administratively, Ancient Man Museum is located in the village of Sangiran Krikilan, Kalijambe, regency, Central Java. It has a mileage of about 40 km from the city of Sragen, or about 17 km from the city of Solo. Sangiran Museum of Ancient Man alone has a collection of more than 13 809 fossil fossils, where about 2,934 of which are on display in the museum exhibition space, and some others are still stored in the warehouse for further research. Some early human fossils of Sangiran is stored in the Geological Museum of Bandung and Yogyakarta Palaenthropologi Museum. No wonder the collection of fossils in ancient times as much as this makes the Museum of Ancient Man Sangiran is one of the most complete human museum in Asia and the world. The uniqueness and completeness of the collection in this museum makes Sangiran Museum of Ancient Man crowned one of the World Heritage Sites by UNESCO as a World Heritage List (number 593, document WHC-96 / Conf.201 / 21) in 1996.

Sangiran area alone has a privilege. According to geologists, the first area of ​​Sangiran is an area of ​​ocean that is wide enough. However, due to geological processes and also as a result of the eruption of some mountain like Lawu, Mount Merapi, and Merbabu, Sangiran area eventually turned into the mainland. This resulted in Sangiran have different soil layers with surrounding areas. Scientifically explained by the discovery of fossils of marine animals that are in the bottom soil layer, indicating that this region is in the form of ancient oceans. No wonder the Sangiran be one of the sites is very important for the development of science, particularly in the fields of anthropology, archeology, bologi, paleontology, geology, and also in the field of tourism. The existence of Sangiran as one of the early human fossils can not be released research conducted by paleoanthropologist named Gustav Heinrich Koenigswald in 1934. The first discovery was a type of early human fossils Pithecanthropus Erectus or commonly called the Java man.

Sangiran Museum of Ancient Man has a fairly modern building architecture and traditional style touches on some corner of the building. The museum has several facilities, among others, is the exhibition space (display space), laboratory space to conduct conservation activities of the fossils were found, meeting rooms, underground displays, audio visual room, and storage space. Exhibition space consists of three rooms, namely Sangiran wealth showrooms, showrooms humanitarian measures, and showrooms golden age of Homo Erectus.

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